Yes! You are able to express your artist vision for your song, album name, or artist name exactly how you’d like, however, there may be instances where music services automatically change your metadata to fit their style requirements.
For example, per Section 3.21 of the Apple Music Style Guide (“Non-standard Capitalization”), it states that “Titles should not be in all capitals, all lowercase, or random casing”.
Because of this style guide requirement in place by Apple, when we deliver a track to Apple Music with a title that is in ALL CAPS, Apple’s system will automatically change the title to regular casing. In most cases, though, if we request that Apple make a casing exception, they will grant that request.
Please note that we will always deliver your releases to Apple Music exactly as you submitted it. Which is why you may see the title is cased correctly in other music services that do not apply this guideline. If you see that your titles appear incorrectly in Apple Music, we are happy to reach out to Apple Music and request an exception for your release.
Please reach out to us by submitting a request for support and we’ll gladly start the process for you. This may take up to 5-7 days to resolve and unfortunately we are not able to make any guarantees as this decision is ultimately up to Apple.
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