If somebody is using your work without permission, you should submit a DMCA Notice of Infringement to each platform where it is being distributed. If the alleged infringing content is distributed by UnitedMasters, you can submit a DMCA Notice by filling out this form.
You should only submit a DMCA Notice if you are the copyright owner of the material that is allegedly infringed upon, or an agent authorized on behalf of the copyright owner. Submitting false claims or claims not in good faith can result in monetary penalties.
The DMCA Notice must include specific information to be valid.
The required components are listed below:
- Identification of the: (i) copyrighted work(s) infringed; (ii) the infringing activity; and (iii) the location of the infringing activity (typically by providing the URL).
- Contact information of the notice sender; Legal Name, Phone Number, Physical or Mailing Address and Email address.
- A statement that the notifier has a good faith belief that the material is not authorized by the intellectual property or copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
- A statement that the information provided is accurate and the notifier is authorized to make the complaint on behalf of the intellectual property or copyright owner.
- The signature of the copyright owner or owner’s agent, in physical or electronic form.
Once UnitedMasters receives a complete and valid DMCA Notice, access to the content will be removed from any streaming platforms UnitedMasters distributed it to. UnitedMasters will also alert the allegedly infringing user of the claim and the claimant’s contact details.
UM is unable to take action on content that is not distributed through our platform. If you have identified content on a platform such as Spotify, Apple Music or YouTube that you believe is infringing on your copyright, but this content is not distributed through UnitedMasters, you will need to submit a DMCA Notice to the distribution service that delivered the content to that platform.
DMCA Notices can also be submitted directly through Apple Music’s and Spotify’s websites. If you submit a notice to Apple Music or Spotify, they will disable the content from their own platform when receiving the claim, and then notify the relevant distribution company or label who will be responsible for disabling access from the remaining platforms.
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