If you receive a message from UnitedMasters telling you that UnitedMasters received a DMCA Notification of Infringement regarding your content, this means that a copyright owner has contacted UnitedMasters or another service provider through which your work was distributed, and has submitted a valid notice following the requirements of the DMCA alleging that your work has infringed theirs. UnitedMasters will provide you a copy of the DMCA Notice with specific information regarding the details of the claim and claimant, and will remove your content from distribution pending the DMCA process.
If you believe that the DMCA Notice is false or in error, and that you have the right to continue distributing your work, you must submit a valid Counter Notification by filling out this form, or by following the requirements of the DMCA. Submitting false or bad faith counter-notifications can result in monetary penalties. The claimant must then sue you in court in order to further pursue their claim.
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