For complete information about the copyright registration process, you can visit
To register your lyrics, composition, or sound recording, you must submit the following to the USCO:
- A completed online application form, which can be accessed at
- Choose “Work of the Performing Arts” for registering lyrics or composition only, or Select Form PA if submitting offline
- Choose “Sound Recording” option for the “Type of Work” designation for registering just the sound recording, or registering both the sound recording and the composition/lyrics (only if you own both), or select Form SR if submitting offline
- The filing fee
- Check the USCO website for the latest fees
- A deposit of your work
- This can be a digital file uploaded through the online registration system
You can also register a group of musical works or sound recordings if they are on the same album, and learn more about the registration process at or the following circulars issued by the copyright office:
Copyright Registration of Musical Compositions and Sound Recordings:
Copyright Registration of Musical Compositions:
Copyright Registration of Sound Recordings:
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