In order to remove or change your phone number for MFA, you will need to be able to receive text messages to the current phone number associated with your UnitedMasters account and know your UnitedMasters password.
If you no longer have access to this phone number, please see this article for instructions on how to submit a support request and recover your account.
If you still have access to the phone number associated with your account and would like to update to a new phone number for MFA, please follow the instructions below.
How to remove or update your phone number for MFA (iOS)
- Tap the ‘Account’ icon inside of the UnitedMasters app.
- Tap the 'Settings' icon in the top right corner.
- Tap ‘Account’.
- Tap ‘Mobile Number’.
- Tap ‘Remove Multi-Factor Authentication’.
- Enter your UnitedMasters password.
- Enter the verification code sent to your device (this will be sent to the phone number currently associated with your UnitedMasters account).
- Your previous phone number has now been removed from your UnitedMasters account for MFA.
- You can enroll your account with a new phone number for MFA by following these steps.
How to remove or update your phone number for MFA (Web)
- Log into your UnitedMasters account at
- Open the sidebar and click ‘Settings’.
- Click ‘Account’.
- Click ‘Mobile Number’.
- Click ‘Remove Two-Factor Device’.
- Enter your UnitedMasters password.
- Enter the verification code sent to your device (this will be sent to the phone number currently associated with your UnitedMasters account).
- Your previous phone number has now been removed from your UnitedMasters account for MFA.
- You can enroll your account with a new phone number for MFA by following these steps.
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